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Tüm çeviriler - MÃ¥ddie

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592 sonuçtan 61 - 80 arası sonuçlar
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İtalyanca rettilineizzazione del rachide lombare
rettilineizzazione del rachide lombare
<Admins note> accepted request/difficult to be found in a dictionary

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence rigiditatea coloanei vertebrale din zona lombară
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Türkçe SeninLe UyuyakaLmak...
SeninLe UyuyakaLmak

sessizlik istiyorum, yalnızca senin olduğun bir sessizlik,
ve sessizlikte uyumak istiyorum, sadece teninin sıcaklığıyla..
o sessizlikte seninle uyurken, nefesini yüzümde hissetmek istiyorum,
var olduğunu yanımda,benim olduğunu hissetmek istiyorum..
göğsüne yatıp elini tutarak kalp atışlarını dinlemek istiyorum..

dudaklarım dudaklarındayken uyuya kalmak
seninle tek vücutta iki can olarak uyumak istiyorum,

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Falling asleep with you
Romence Adormind cu tine
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İngilizce As the length of life increases, ...
As the length of life increases, older people can respond with lifestyle changes that can increase
healthy years of life. Correspondingly, health care systems need to shift towards more geriatric care, the
prevention and management of chronic diseases and more formal long-term care. Since people are living
longer, measures to improve health and prevent disease need to focus on people of working age.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Pe măsură ce durata de viaţă se prelungeşte,,...
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Fransızca mon tendre amour, je t'écris dans ta langue...
mon tendre amour,

je t'écris dans ta langue pour te prouver combien je t'aime tu est mon tout dans ma vie et le plus grand amour que je n'ai jamais connu ma vie je la voit uniquement avec toi je t'aime et pour la vie

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Dulcea mea iubire,
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Türkçe Bu benim Türkiye kartım...
Bu benim Türkiye kartım ve sadece seninle konuşmak içinİ aldım

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce My phone card
Romence Cartela mea de telefon
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Türkçe çok teÅŸekkür ederim.sende benim en iyi...
çok teşekkür ederim.sende benim en iyi arkadaşımsın.sende kendine çok iyi bak.bu arada Türkçeyi bilmen çok güzel.iyi akşamlar.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Îţi mulţumesc foarte mult.
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Türkçe resminizi gördükten sonra herÅŸeyi unuttum.
resminizi gördükten sonra herşeyi unuttum.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Am uitat tot, după ce ţi-am văzut fotografia.
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Türkçe Dikkatin için teÅŸekkürler,bende seni seviyorum ve...
Dikkatin için teşekkürler,bende seni seviyorum ve çok öpüyorum.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Îţi mulţumesc pentru atenţie. Te iubesc şi eu şi te sărut mult.
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
Türkçe ''P. selam, nasılsın? UlaÅŸabileceÄŸim bir adresin var mı?
P. selam, nasılsın? Ulaşabileceğim bir adresin var mı?
Edits done on notification from 44hazal44 /pias 090422.

Original-request: "pirivet slm masilsin ulasabilicegim bir adresin var"

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Bună P., ce mai faci? Ai cumva o adresă la care te pot găsi?
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Türkçe merhaba nasılsın uzun zamandır...
merhaba nasılsın uzun zamandır gorusemıyoruz.telefon numaranı yazarmısın

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Bună, ce mai faci?
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Latince quousque tandem abutere, catilina patienti...
quousque tandem abutere, catilina patienti nostra? Quamdium etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet?

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Catilina, cât de mult timp vei mai abuza de răbdarea...
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Romence Nu mai stiu nimic deja...trebuie sa revin la.......
Nu mai stiu nimic deja...trebuie sa revin la realitate si sa incetez sa mai cred in provesti si acelasi lucru trebuie sa-l faci si tu
This may be a slang but its got the main romanian idea in it.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce I I don’t know anything anymore...I have to come back to
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İngilizce there are two general types of samples :...
there are two general types of samples : probability and nonprobability.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Există două tipuri generale de eşantionare : aleatoare şi nealeatoare.
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İngilizce Nobody attempting to controvert his position,...
Nobody attempting to controvert his position, he took a small brown-paper parcel out of his hat, and putting on a pair of horn spectacles (the writing being crabbed) read the direction half a dozen times over; having done which he consigned the parcel to its old place, put up his spectacles again, and stared at everybody in turn. After this he took another blow at the horn by way of refreshment; and having now exhausted his usual topics of conversation, folded his arms as well as he could in so many coats, and falling into a solemn silence, looked carelessly at the familiar objects which met his eye on every side as the coach rolled on—the only things he seemed to care for being horses and droves of cattle, which he scrutinized with a critical air as they were passed upon the road.
The weather was intensely and bitterly cold: a great deal of snow fell from time to time, and the wind was intolerably keen. Mr. Squeers got down at almost every stage—to stretch his legs, as he said—and as he always came back from such excursions with a very red nose, and composed himself to sleep directly, there is reason to suppose that he derived great benefit from the process. The little pupils having been stimulated with the remains of their breakfast and further invigorated by sundry small sups of a curious cordial carried by Mr. Squeers, which tasted very like toast-woke, shivered, and cried, as their feelings prompted. Nicholas and the good-tempered man found so many things to talk about, that between conversing together and cheering up the boys, the time passed with them as rapidly as it could, under such circumstances.
So the day wore on. At Eton-Slocomb there was a good coach dinner, of which the box, the four front of outsides, the one inside, Nicholas, the good-tempered man, and Mr. Squeers partook; while the five little boys were put to thaw by the fire, and regaled with sandwiches. A stage or two further on the lamps were lighted, and a great to-do occasioned by the taking up at a roadside inn of a very fastidious lady, with an infinite variety of cloaks and small parcels, who loudly lamented, for the behoof of the outsides, the non-arrival of her own carriage, which was to have taken her on, and made the guard solemnly promise to stop every green chariot he saw coming; which, as it was dark night, and he was sitting with his face the other way, the officer undertook, with many fervent asseverations, to do.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Din moment ce nimeni nu încercă să îi tăgăduiască...
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Romence Munca grea dezvăluie caracterul oamenilor:
Munca grea dezvăluie caracterul oamenilor: unii îşi întorc mânecile, alţii întorc nasul şi alţii nu se mai întorc deloc.
engleza britanica

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Hard work reveals people’s character.
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Türkçe seni cok ama cok ozledim birtanem... seni cok...
seni cok ama cok ozledim birtanem...
seni cok seviyorum ve istiyorum...

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence ÃŽmi lipseÅŸti foarte mult.....
Rusça Я очень соскучился
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Rusça я тедя очень люблю и хочу чтобы Ñ‚Ñ‹ прижал к себе...
я тедя очень люблю и хочу чтобы ты прижал к себе очень сильно я скучаю
Я в Моем Мире..

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe Seni seviyorum
Romence Te iubesc foarte mult.
Kaynak dil
İngilizce The sun rises today,bright and beautiful.For an...
The sun rises today,bright and beautiful.For an hour it shines merrily and carefree upon the countryside.The grey Weatherwall,who lurked among the heavens the entire day before,appears again; she extinguishes the sunlight and shakes the snow from her cloak,at first coy and unassertive,then evermore bold and impetuous.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Romence Soarele răsare astăzi, scânteietor şi frumos. Timp de o ...
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Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
Almanca Ständchen
Wir ham erfahr'n,
dass man heut' vor ein paar Jahr'n
den Zeitpunkt günstig fand
und dich kurzerhand entband.
Seitdem bist du auf der Welt.
Schön, dass es dir hier gefällt.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Wir wünschen Dir, dass lauter nette Leute
ganz besonders heute
ganz in deiner Nähe sind,
und dass sie dir vielleicht sogar was schenken,
und dass sie an dich denken,
denn du bist das Geburtstagskind.

Wir wünschen dir im neuen Lebensjahr,
dass das, was gut ist, bleibt, so wie es war,
und dass alles, was dich nervt,
sich zumindest nicht verschärft.

Wir wünschen dir, dass du an jedem Morgen
fröhlich, ohne Sorgen,
deinen neuen Tag beginnst,
und dass du zwar höchstwahrscheinlich nie
die Fernsehlotterie,
doch manchen neuen Freund gewinnst.

Wir wünschen dir im Sommer Sonnenschein,
im Winter soll es ohne Ende schnei'n,
und dass du, je nach dem, wie's ist,
passend angezogen bist!

Und dass viele Leute dich besuchen
und dir leck'ren Kuchen
bringen. Ja, das wär' uns Recht!
Wir hoffen, du sagst: „Heute ist ein Tag
ganz genau, wie ich ihn mag –
Geburtstag haben ist nicht schlecht!“

Und dass du auch in Zukunft ganz ohne Beschwerden
Freude hast am gepflegten Älterwerden.
Also, kurz gesagt – und darum sind wir hier - :
Wir gratulieren dir!
:) I love this song.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Serenade
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